Island Breeze

Jeff Peterson – slack key guitar • Kenny Endo – taiko drums • Riley Lee – shakuhachi

“Island Breeze” is a trio of world class musicians, each masters of their own instruments, who have come together to create new and beautiful music.

Grammy-nominated slack key guitarist, Jeff Peterson, and shakuhachi master, Riley Lee, have been working together for many years. They joined forces with taiko master, Kenny Endo, in 2012 during a week-long artists residency in Honolulu.

The three recorded a CD which was released in 2014. The unique blend of slack key guitar, taiko drums and Japanese flute is an inspired sound not to be missed.

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Tickets: $30, $45 (prices increase on day of show; plus applicable fees); 10% discount for MACC members



December 14, 2018 at 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Maui Arts and Cultural Center
1 Cameron Way
Kahului, , HI 96732
United States
Google map and directions
Maui Arts and Cultural Center · · 808-242-SHOW (7469)

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